Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I've been inspired!

Today I read Edition 2 of Calcio nos Ossos Online - maintained by my beloved companion Pri (Sister Rebicki) and read by all the dear sisters of my mission who I miss so very much. It was wonderful to read it, and wonderful to feel that connection with them.

So, I became inspired to finally write a bit in my own blog, after a month or so of silence (basically). I have had a right to be silent - I have been pretty busy! Getting married and moving to another country and everything, it's pretty time consuming (not the mention the mental faculties involved).

So to sum up the last month or so, life has been GOOD. The wedding and honeymoon was a wonderful whirlwind, and now we are back in Denmark. Morten works all day (he is taking a semester off while we get the mess of my residency paperwork all sorted out) and I spend my days doing housework and finding other ways to amuse myself/make myself useful to the world. I am currently waiting for paperwork in order to be able to look for a job, take classes, things like that. It is possible for this paperwork to take a VERY long time, like up to 7 months, which has been a bit depressing. But lately we have received a wonderful blessing - a possible job for me sooner than that! A job at Maersk which is an important company in Denmark, and they could probably speed up the paperwork considerably if they decide to hire me. My interview is next monday! I hope it all works out.

I am mostly just feeling overwhelmed with blessings right now. I don't know how it's possible to be so blessed, I know I don't deserve it half as much as so many other people do. But it's not my place to judge things like that, I can only be grateful and use this time to develop good habits, rely on the Lord just as much/more than ever, even though the sun is shining at the moment, and build up my reserve of happy thoughts. That way when the hard times come again as they usually do, I will be ready for them.

Those are my deep thoughts for the day.

1 comment:

Pri REBICKI Prestes said...

finalmente noticias eeeeeeebaaaaaaaa
adorei ouvir mais sobre vc e sua vida de casada...
espero que consiga os papeis,