Thursday, September 18, 2008

Absentee Voting....AHAHAHHH!

I thought I had registered to vote absentee, like...months ago. I still haven't received my ballot and now I am getting I checked up on some things and I think maybe they didn't actually register me because I chose "indefinitely" instead of "temporary" when referring to my residence abroad. I chose that because I got called to jury duty last year and had to cancel my registration in order to prove that I don't live in Texas anymore and can't go to jury duty there. SO what's a girl to do? How am I supposed to vote? I suppose I will make some international calls to sort this thing out. Because I AM going to vote. Period. If anybody has any tips for me...please let me know!


Pri Rebicki Prestes said...

Vai votar?
em quem? obama?
nao entendi, vc pode votar nas eleicoes americanas estando na dinamarca?????

alainapaina said...

Sim, posso votar enquanto estou aqui mas parece que ainda tenho que descobrir COMO.....sim, vou votar para ele mas nao fala para minha mae :)

Eu nao sabia deste outro blog que vc tem e fui para ver o blog, pensando, quem eh...? Haha...