Thursday, December 2, 2010

I love my little doll...

I promise I will write a real post again soon. But in the meantime, quick update: Olivia is doing well! She was never really a "newborn" and is now moving out of that "4th trimester" stage. She is covering all the physical milestones about 2 months early, including: supporting her head, lifting up her head and chest (and everything else pretty much) by her arms, supporting herself with her legs, rolling over (front to back), grabbing at things, throwing crazy tantrums including head banging (usually when she doesn't want to go to bed), and becoming incredibly and adorably corpulent. She's our wee beastie. I have a feeling once she takes off she will be a little tornado! She gives us the sweetest smiles (see above), babbles all day long, and sometimes sleeps 7 hours through the night. Not to say that there haven't been challenges but we are just loving parenthood and loving our precious little munchkin. Can't wait to see what she does next!

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