It was wonderful to be with the family. Especially since this will be the last time we will all be together for a while because Camille is going on a mission soon. I love the feeling of a house full of people I love, of all ages, all making a happy noise and bustle, laughing about silly things.
Living far away from them is something that has always been a challenge for me, because while I absolutely love spending time with my family and I miss them profusely all the time when I'm away, at the same time I crave the challenge of living elsewhere, learning new things, and discovering different ways of life. It is also best for us to be in DK right now from a practical point of view. Morten's school, my job, etc. I'm learning not to analyze and second guess everything (as is my nature) but just to take each day and its challenges as they come, and do the very best I can with that.
On that note, I started my new job on Monday. It's for the same company (A.P. Moller - Maersk) but it's quite a bit more responsibility than the last position, which presents a big challenge for me. It is hard not to doubt my abilities, but it has only been a week so of course I feel incompotent and probably will for several weeks (or months) to come. My colleagues are always happy to help though and they seem to believe in me which is very comforting. What I have been doing so far is basically reading a lot of manuals about the system which I will eventually support. I have already answered a few support requests so far, but only with help from my manager. Eventually I will get to learn some basic SQL programming which fascinates me. The part that is the hardest is that, in order to be able to do my job which is mostly IT related, I also have to understand how the finance departments are using the system, which I'm not very interested in. Except for that though, it is very interesting and I am looking forward to learn more.
Other than work, we have been spending a lot of time outdoors because the weather finally turned nice while we were away. We got out our bikes again and I am trying to slowly get back in the biking habit.
I also got a lot of scrapbooking stuff in the states and am looking forward to have time (and space) to use it. Anja and I are going to a scrapbooking "messe" in a few weeks - it's basically a fair that lasts all day and we have reserved seats at a table where we can bring our stuff and scrapbook all day. There is also a course we will take. Looking forward to that!
Well I guess that's "it" for now.
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